Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Mean Reds

The Mean Reds
For all the 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' fans I've labeled this color study 'The Mean Reds'. This is picture is my deep shot. I had my lovely friend, Emily, be my model. She wore my red coat and we marched up to the gardens right after the snow fall.
I drove to my Brother-in-Law's house in Rigby and spotted this tagged railroad car. Lucky for me it was still there the next day when I came back with my camera.

This shot I slowed down my shutter speed with no light in the room except for an overhead spot. I then spun a red Reese's peanut butter cup. I love how it came out looking almost planetary.

My last picture is from a sad little Christmas tree I found in a neighbor's yard. It is also my shallow depth shot. Sharp in the front, nice and blurry in the back.


  1. Rachel, your Reese's peanut butter cup picture came out really cool. I wasn't even sure what it was until I read the description. Your idea was unique and I loved how bright and colorful the shot turned out to be. Great job experimenting with the shutter speed. Also, the graffiti looks nice. I like how close you made the shot. Lastly, I think your shallow depth of field picture displays a perfect mixture of background blur and crisp foreground. Wonderful work!

  2. That was such a good idea spinning the Reeses cup and using the spot for the light. I love how it turned out. You have such good ideas. I love how unique the subject matter is as well. Your blended shots turned out really cool as well. You captured a very sharp and crisp picture of the carpet and the blending is great. Great angles as well, I think the spinning chocolate is still by far my favorite.
